Hello Raynham Riders,
It looks like we will be getting another round of significant snowfall beginning this morning, therefore we will be canceling lessons today.
You are welcome to book any suitable spot in the online scheduler to book your make-ups from inclement weather cancellations. We will also continue to open up some extra days in the online scheduler to ensure there are enough spots available, so please check the scheduler periodically. Please use the correct code, below, when booking your make-up:
- If you missed a group lesson: SNOWGR25
- If you missed a private lesson: SNOWPR25
If you are having trouble finding a suitable spot, please email the office and we will give you a hand! Here is the link to the online scheduler: https://www.raynhamstables.com/make-up-lesson-scheduling.html. You are also welcome to put your make-up lessons towards our EC Rider Level Testing Prep Sessions this March Break! The Equestrian Canada Rider Level program helps riders improve their riding skills and learn about horse care and stable management. The program also prepares riders to become certified instructors or coaches if they are interested in pursuing those goals in the future.
Here is the TENTATIVE schedule:
Tuesday, March 11th - Rider Level Prep Day
- Semi-private or small group lessons to practice the mounted skills required for testing
- On each day, we will conduct a stable management lesson to go over the written and practical stable management skills required for your level
- Please review the rubrics for the levels and review the stable management topics in advance. We will go over everything in detail for your level.
- Ideally 12:30 pm - 4:30 pm, but we can be flexible with timing based on the participants' availability.
- Cost: $150.00
Thursday March 13th - Testing Day
- Testing will likely be 10 am - 4 pm, but it will depend on the final # of participants, full schedule will be sent out once everyone confirms.
- Levels 1 & 2 will start in the AM and should be done around lunchtime.
- Levels 3 - 6 will start late morning and will run into the afternoon
- Anyone wishing to start higher than level 1 must complete the written stable management tests for all previous levels.
- Cost: $175.00
- The cost includes the $40 fee to submit the exam to Ontario Equestrian (OE), the fee for the use of the horse, and the fee for the examiner.
- If you are not already a member of OE, you will have to join - https://ontarioequestrian.ca/membership/
Please let us know if you would like to participate by March 1st, 2025, so we can finalize schedules!
Stay safe today everyone!