Monday, February 27, 2023

Monday, Feb 27th - Lessons Are Running

Hey Raynham Riders!

They are calling for a storm, but the forecast isn't looking too bad for this evening.  It isn't supposed to get nasty until overnight, so we are planning to run classes this evening!

If the weather conditions in your area are poor, please let me know and you can reschedule!


Thursday, February 23, 2023

Thursday, Feb 23 - Lessons ARE Running

 Good Morning Raynham Riders,

The forecast for today is no longer showing anything significant so we are going to run classes today. If the driving conditions in your area are poor, just let us know and you can reschedule. 

See you in the barn!


Wednesday, February 22, 2023


 Hey Raynham Riders,

Apparently, winter is still here!  The storm is supposed to pick up this evening so we are going to cancel all lessons from 5 pm onwards.  We'll keep an eye on the storm, and if it starts to get bad earlier, we'll cancel earlier lessons.  We will be in touch by text directly if we decide to make that call.


Saturday, February 4, 2023

Saturday, Feb 4th - Classes CANCELED

 Good Morning Raynham Riders,

Unfortunately, due to the extreme cold, classes are cancelled for today. 

Stay warm!


Thursday, February 2, 2023

Thursday February 2nd - Lessons ARE Running!

 Hello Raynham Riders,

We have been keeping an eye on the temperature and it is not going to drop below our cutoff temperature of -12℃ until overnight tonight, so lessons WILL be running this evening!

See you all later!

- The Raynham Team