I am SO excited to announce that we are going to have our first annual Holiday Fun Day!! Many of the riders have already begun to plan their routines and come up with costume ideas. Here are the details:
Who: All of our Raynham riders and their friends and families are invited!
What: An awesome holiday show to holiday music with a pot-luck dinner and pony games too!
Where: Raynham Stables of course :)
When: Tuesday, December 20th, 6:00 - 8:00pm. It will be an open-house style, riders & their guests do not have to stay for the entire duration.
Why?: To have a ton of FUN and to celebrate a wonderful year with wonderful people!
Here's the plan!:

- If you ride in a private lesson or the rest of your group isn't able to attend, we can group up riders from different lessons.
- We will start rehearsing in our lessons this week (if you haven't already started).
- Riders are welcome to wear costumes and dress up their ponies if they wish!
- If you do not wish to do a routine, you are still welcome to participate in the pony games :)
- There is no cost to participate, just a fun day for all!
There will be a sign-up sheet in the riding school tack-up area for both the riding portion and the pot luck. We can't wait to see what everyone come up with for their routines!