Saturday, May 9th
9:00am – 4:00pm
(You don’t have to stay all day, any help is appreciated)
BBQ, Prizes & Challenges!
Calling all Raynham boarders, lesson students, show students & their families! We’re always working to improve the facilities here at Raynham Stables to make it a better place to ride. Here’s your chance to be a part of it!
After this particularly challenging winter, we have a ton of projects to tackle around the farm! The volunteer day will run 9:00am - 4:00pm but you do not need to stay all day, any help is appreciated! We hope to see many Raynham riders out to lend a hand! There will be jobs appropriate for younger students as well as parents (Dads - we're looking at you!).
Jobs include:
- Sanding and repainting the wood stadium jumps
- Staining/painting XC jumps
- Re-paint picnic tables
- Staining the wash stalls
- Bag & label winter horse blankets for pick-up to be cleaned
- Clean up gardens and re-plant
- Set up picnic table tent
- Set up camp tents and waterproof
- Clean up branches (everywhere!!!)
- Dig out corners around dressage ring & repair railway ties around perimeter
- Finish railway ties around perimeter of stadium ring
- Rake and pick paddocks
- Trim brush around fence lines
- Fill holes in XC field and along fence lines with screenings
- And more!