Hey Raynham Riders,
We are just over a month into our fall session and it’s been great to see everyone back at the barn! Just a reminder that we are closed this Sunday, October 10th for Thanksgiving. As this date was not included in the session, no make-up lessons are required. We ARE running classes on Monday.
This time of year, we like to reflect on all the things we have to be thankful for. Despite it being a very challenging past 19 months, we’re still here, we have a fantastic team of staff, have had a fantastic, successful competition season, and a busy riding school with wonderful students. We’re so happy to have you riding here at Raynham and hope you have been LOVING your lessons so far this fall. We are constantly working to improve our services and facilities. If you ever have any questions or concerns, please let us know!
As usual, there’s quite a bit of info in this email blast, please take a few minutes to review!
Nikki, Lindsay, Caryn & the Raynham Team
1. Rider Levels Unveiled!
2. IMPORTANT - Rain Rot
3. Bathroom Out of Order
4. Hallowing Schooling Show Update
5. Show Season 2022!
Rider Levels Unveiled!
We are very excited to finally unveil our new rider level program! We are confident this will help our riders create goals for their riding, and better gauge their progress. We are using software that allows instructors to check off skills as riders complete them which can be viewed by all staff. This will help instructors when filling in or when riders switch instructors as they will have a detailed history of each rider. You can view the rider skills checklists HERE. We are still working to get the horsemanship (unmounted) skills checklists entered, stay tuned! We are also creating a printable booklet that you can bring to your lessons so you can track your progress as well! to be sent out shortly. To celebrate riders' progress, we have certificates to present when they complete a level! We look forward to hearing your feedback on the new program.
IMPORTANT - Rain Rot :(
Unfortunately, with the wet weather and thicker coats, comes rain rot. We have a few school horses that are infected currently, and it’s highly contagious between horses so we ask that all students use the riding school brushes (disinfecting when finished) and the horses’ assigned saddle pad to help stop the spread. If you are interested in further details, here’s a helpful article: https://vetericyn.com/blog/how-to-treat-rain-rot-on-horses-a-helpful-guide/
Bathroom Out of Order
Unfortunately, the barn septic system is out of order. While we wait for it to be repaired, there is a porta-potty located beside the office trailer in the parking lot. Thank you for your understanding.
No Halloween Schooling Show – Halloween Week Instead!
Unfortunately, we are not going to run the Halloween Schooling Show again this year. Between the issues we are having with the septic, Lindsay being away in Virginia for a competition, and unclear regulations surrounding vaccine passports, it just feels a bit too complicated. As that date was not included in the session fees, we will be closed that day instead (no lessons).
We are going to have Halloween Week, Oct 23th - Oct 31st instead! We’ll play Halloween-themed games, jump pumpkins, and we’ll have loot bags for anyone that wears a costume to their lesson! We can’t wait to see everyone’s costumes!
Show Season 2022 Info Session – Nov 7th @ 4:00pm
There has been a lot of interest in competing next year! Since there is a TON of information to relay to new show riders, we are going to do a zoom meeting where we cover the basics so that you can make an informed decision if competing in 2022 is right for you! Mark your calendar - Sunday, November 7th at 4:00 pm. If you can’t make the meeting, let us know. We will record the meeting and send you the link. This is just for potential new show riders, those that have competed before do not need to attend. Here is the meeting link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/81293485266?pwd=ZnZDOU4vRllXWmlNNFVVay9YUDZLdz09