Sunday, January 29, 2023

Sunday, January 29th - Lessons ARE Running

 Good Morning Raynham Riders!

Sorry for the late post - we got more snow than expected! Coaches Gabby and Olivia are both here and happy to teach.  Gabby drove here from Toronto and said her drive was okay but it was slow.  If the driving conditions in your area are poor and you'd prefer to reschedule, just let us know!


Thursday, January 26, 2023

Thursday, January 26th - Lessons ARE Running Today

 Good Morning Raynham Riders!

The snow has stopped here, the driveway is plowed, and the roads in the area are already cleared, so we are good to go for lessons today!

See you in the barn,


Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Wednesday, Jan 25th - Lessons CANCELLED Tonight

 Hey Raynham Riders,

They are calling for heavy snow starting this afternoon so we are going to cancel classes for this evening.  As per our winter inclement weather cancellation policy, riders have the option to schedule a make-up.  Any weather cancellations not made up by the end of the session will be deducted from your spring lesson invoice.

We are happy to offer some make-up classes this Friday and next Friday (which is a PA day).  If you are interested, send us an email and we will get you scheduled in :)

Stay safe if you have to go out today!  


Thursday, January 19, 2023

Thursday, January 19th - Lessons ARE Running

 Hey Raynham Riders,

Shockingly, the forecast has improved for tonight!  There hasn't been any more precipitation here since 11:30am and it's clear now.  They have taken the freezing rain off the forecast for tonight, so we are going to run classes.

If conditions in your area are poor, and you don't feel like you can drive safely, just let us know and you can reschedule.

See you tonight!


Thursday, Jan 19th - Keeping an Eye on the Weather!

 Hey Thursday Riders!

It is currently freezing rain off and on here at the barn.  I have canceled my daytime lessons and we are keeping an eye on the conditions/forecast for this afternoon and evening.  We will make a decision by 1pm about whether or not we need to cancel the evening lessons as well.

Stay safe today!
