Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Due Dates for Show Entries

Hello Show Team riders!  Here are your 2012 due dates for entries. 

P.S. Don't forget to include:
  • Cheque to the show (READ the omnibus to ensure that all fees are included)
  • Cheque to Raynham for Show Fee 
  • Photocopy of membership cards
  • COMPLETE entry form - they can refuse to accept your entry if it is incomplete!

                           Glen Oro H.T*             Friday April 30th
                           Grandview H.T             Friday May 14th
                           Caledon H.T*               Friday June 4th
                           Woodwind H.T             Friday June 11th
                           Dreamcrest H.T             Friday June 18th
                           Glenarden H.T              Friday June 25th
                           Equus 3D C/T               Friday June 25th
                           Will O’ Wind H.T          Friday July 2nd
                           Equus 3D H.T               Friday July 9th
                           Dreamcrest H.T              Friday July 16th
                           Grandview H.T              Friday July 23rd
                           Wits End H.T                 Friday July 30th
                           Glenarden C/T-S/C         Friday July 30th
                           Richland H.T*               Tuesday, July 10th
                           Cedar Run H.T*             Friday August 20th
                           OHTA Champs              Friday August 27th
                           Myrddin S/C                  Friday September 3rd
                           Glen Oro H.T*               Friday September 10th
                           Equus 3D H.T                Friday September 17th
                           Woodwind H.T              Friday September 24th
                           Will O’ Wind H.T          Friday October 1st
                           Mid South 3 Day*         Opening date – Online

* You can enter these events online at   There will be a confirmation page to be mailed in - print it off and submit by due date.