Friday, October 4, 2019

Raynham 11th Annual Holiday Banquet - Friday, November 29th

It's hard to believe, but we're already at our 11th Holiday Banquet! We will be holding the banquet on Friday, November 29th at the lovely Nobleton Lakes Golf Course, just 5 minutes from the barn.  All our riders are welcome to attend for a fun evening of dinner, dancing, silent auction, games, awards and more!  It's always a blast to see everyone out of their barn grubbies :)

If you're unable to attend the banquet but would like to donate something to our silent auction, we would be most appreciative!   If you would like more information on sponsorship, please reply to this email.

Tickets are $75 for adults and $40 for children 12 & under.   We will have tickets available for purchase at the barn over the next few weeks, including at our Halloween Show.  You can also reserve a ticket by emailing Robin -  Payment can be made by cash or cheque payable to "Raynham Show Team".

We hope to see you all there!