Sunday, November 10, 2019

Banquet, Auction and Fundraisers


The Banquet countdown continues!  We are now 3 weeks away from close of ticket sales.  Don’t delay get your tickets today!! (yes I know that rhymed).

November 29, 6pm doors open, 7pm dinner is served, all night long:

Adult Ticket $75.00
Child Ticket $40.00 (12 and under)

For tickets please email:
Cash or Cheque (payable to Raynham Show Team) can be left in the mailbox in the tack up area.


Thank you to everyone for the auction donations.  Many have told me of the fantastic items you have to donate.  Please bring them to Raynham, and leave them in the camp trailer, at your convenience.  I would love to collect all the items by November 18.


The North Country and MacMillans fundraisers are in full swing!  You can get all the info and selling tools needed in the school tack room (2 separate binders), or if you prefer, send me an email.  A reminder that all orders and payment are due November 22nd with delivery December 13th.   Please put your orders in the mailbox in the tack up area.  Cash or cheque (payable to Raynham Show Team).