Sunday, March 20, 2016

Session Three Lessons

Hey Raynham Riders,

Happy first day of spring!  I'm excited that so many riders are returning this session.  Today is the first day of the new session and I had to make quite a few changes to the schedule to accomodate the riders returning from the winter off or students picking up an additional class.  

I've received quite a few emails with issues/conflicts with the proposed changes.  As much as I hate to do it, I need to request that all students submit a lesson availability form again (like we do in the fall) since it looks like I have to start from scratch with the schedule. The lesson availability form can be found here:  I would appreciate riders doing their best to come at the posted time this week (March 20th - 26th) so that I can have a few days to collect the forms and try to create an improved schedule.  I will post the revised schedule Friday, March 25th and it will begin Monday, March 28th.  If you absolutely cannot make your proposed time this week, please let me know so I can suggest an alternate time. 

I appreciate everyone support - scheduling is by far the trickiest part of my job! 
